Like paradise
Cycling vacation at Lake Constance
Come to the biking paradise Lake Constance! Europe's most popular bike trail -the flat, asphalted and well signposted cycle route at the Lake Constance leads you around the "Swabian Sea" on 270 km through 3 countries (Germany, Austria, Switzerland). You cycle easily from one highlight to the other, mostly near the shore. Discover worth-seeing towns, interesting museums, historic buildings and sunny boat trips. Being indulged by delicacies of kitchen and cellar you will really feel like in paradise.
Unglaublich paradiesisch
Fahrradurlaub am Bodensee
Kommen Sie ins Radlerparadies Bodensee! Europas beliebtester Radweg, der flache, asphaltierte und sehr gut beschilderte Bodensee Radweg führt Sie rund um das "Schwäbische Meer" auf 270 km durch 3 Länder (Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz). Bequem rollen Sie meist in direkter Ufernähe von einer Attraktion zur nächsten. Sehenswerte Städte, interessante Museen, historische Bauten und sonnige Schiffsfahrten warten auf Sie. Werden Sie dann noch verwöhnt von Küche und Keller, so fühlen Sie sich wirklich wie im Radlerparadies.
Cycling is fun at Lake Constance
The 263-kilometer Lake Constance Cycle Path is a great way to get around the three-country lake. The path has little incline and always leads close to the shore to many bathing spots around the blue water. In addition, the Lake Constance Cycle Path offers a wide variety of cycling tours - from a short flying visit to extended cycling trips. On the almost continuously asphalted route with area-wide signposting, cycling is simply a pleasure.

Imperia, towers and lions
The Imperia, a nine-meter-high sculpture by Peter Lenk depicting a Roman living lady, is enthroned at Constance harbor. She is said to have lived in the city during the Council of Constance. On the hands of her wide-spread arms are two gnomes, symbolizing the emperor and the pope, bearing the corresponding insignia. Constance is also worth a visit away from the lake: be sure to stroll through the medieval old town before cycling off to Montfort Castle in Langenargen, on to Wasserburg to the parish church of St. George and finally to the island town of Lindau. The Bavarian Lion at the harbor entrance has stood guard there since 1856 opposite the New Lighthouse. Behind it stands the 33 meter high Mangturm or Old Lighthouse, around the corner is the Old Town Hall with its magnificent murals, and not far away is the Minster "Unserer Lieben Frau". Continue to Austria and Bregenz lower town, where the Nepomuk Chapel is worth seeing, in the upper town medieval buildings and the Martin Tower with its wooden shingle roof. The old town of Arbon in Switzerland seems to consist entirely of ornately decorated medieval and Baroque houses. There is a lot to see in each of the bordering countries. At the end of this beautiful bike tour, you'll end up back in Constance at the Imperia.

In Bregenz, the Mili nostalgia pool from 1825 lures you out of the saddle, a wooden pile building with changing rooms and stair access into the lake. The old pile buildings are certainly the most stylish: In Bregenz, the Mili with its differently named areas such as the Drachenfelsen, so named because it is mainly older ladies who defend "their" territory here, or Afrika, the southern part. In Rorschach the "Badi", as it is affectionately called, or the lime green bathhouse in Bad Schachen are others.

Art and culture
The Bregenz lake stage hosts the festival throughout the summer. The Vorarlberg State Theater is also on site. Constance is home to Germany's oldest continuously operating theater stage.
Art can be found all around the lake: The Hundertwasser Market Hall in Altenrhein is worth a stop, as is the Forum Würth in Rorschach. In Bregenz, in the cube-shaped Kunsthaus by the Grisons architect Zumthor, you will find contemporary art of the highest standard, changing exhibitions in the Zeppelin Museum in Friedrichshafen, in Lindau the Kunstmuseum or the Kunstgrenze with 22 sculptures in Constance.

Lake Constance wine and whitefish
Vorarlberg mountain cheese, the St. Gallen bratwurst, Liechtenstein beer and wines from the vineyards around the lake - numerous specialties want to be tasted! The Meersburg State Winery is located right next to the pink castle and the fortress. Mainly Müller-Thurgau is grown, but also Kerner, Pinot Gris and Pinot Blanc. Kressbronn is mainly about fruit, especially apples, which are also readily fermented into fruit brandies. Vegetables come from the island of Reichenau or from Thurgau. On the Höri peninsula grows the Höri Bulle - a bright red edible onion. Tasty fish from Lake Constance include whitefish and egli. Freshly caught or smoked, they are a special treat.

Abundance of flowers
Around the third largest lake in Europe, due to its warm microclimate, irises bloom as early as May. The time of white fruit tree blossoms against the background of the blue lake, green hills and white mountain peaks is also particularly beautiful. The island of Reichenau with nurseries, vines and fields is worth a visit as well as the flower island of Mainau with its tulips, rhododendrons and roses.